Tuesday, April 30, 2013

MANNAM Korean Class: 너무! 아주! 매우! ( Very! Very! Very! )

MANNAM Korean Class: 너무! 아주! 매우! ( Very! Very! Very! )

When people keep on speaking some words in a wrong way, it influences the others to also speak in that way.
So, it is better if we change and help them to speak in a right way.

Koreans often make the mistake with the word ‘너무(Nu moo). I noticed this from a friend in MANNAM Korean Class. You can hear people say,”너무 좋다(Very good)., “너무 즐겁다(very). But actually they are using ‘너무(Nu moo)Actually they are using the word much ‘너무(Nu moo)' by mistake)
‘너무’ is a word that means very or toothat uses to describe a lot of something. Similarly, the word ‘아주’,’매우’ has the same meaning. The use of these words is different in such situations. "The word 너무(Nu moo) is used when we say negative words behind.". when we say negative words behind. Such as, 너무 힘들어요, 너무 안 좋아요. Opposite to this, we use 아주 if a positive word follows it. Like, 아주 좋아요, 아주 재미있어요. On the other hand, using 아주 we can use it in both ways.

When I say a word or say something, words have the power to make a movement. If I say bad words or some words that are negative, I will become more negative. Even worse, it can make them feel bad too. Now we know how to say the word 'Very' property when we use it. Since we know it now, why dont we speak good and helpful words around? Someone said life is too short although we only spend it to love each other. Furthermore, I think life is too short only just to be happy. life is too short not to be happy. The first step to be happy is to speak positive. What I love about MANNAM is that, everyone tries to make others happy, with their joy. Speak correctly and positively. That way, in MANNAM, we can call be a good influence to the whole world!

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