Monday, April 29, 2013

MANNAM Korean class: Dakgalbi? Dalkgalbi?-1

MANNAM Korean class: Dakgalbi? Dalkgalbi?-1

 Chuncheon is famous for 닭갈비(Dakgalbi)! Did you ever eat Dakgalbi before? Well, since Chuncheon is famous for Dakgalbi, in which city you are, you can see many signs about it. I have a question. But how do you spell ? Like, Dalk? Or Dak? If you are learning Korean, this kind of double consonants can be tricky when you pronounce it.

 Lets master the double consonants and pronounce fluent Korean. In Korean, the first syllable or at the end does not allow a consonant. For example, some words like, , 없다, 훑는다 we write with same end syllable consonants. But when we pronounce it, if the words location is in front of a consonant, one of the consonant falls off. So, we pronounce it like [, -, -,]. And like 닭이, 없으면 if the vowel comes at the back, the second consonant moves to the first of the vowel. So it becomes [달기, 업스면].

 End syllable consonant is regularly standard, but there are also exceptions. If the consonant is , , the second consonant falls off.

[] 앉는다[안는다] []

When I didnt know about Korean very well, the double consonant was hard for me to pronounce. At the first time, I tried to pronounce every consonant that was written. But it sounded like English, so I realized that I was wrong. Soon in MANNAM Korean class, I learn this and was very satisfied about it. Now I know how to spell and pronounce in either way. It was like oasis in the dessert. I really thank MANNAM Korean class for such wonderful class they have. Want to know more about it? Join us in MANNAM. I am beginning to speak fluently every day! 

1 comment:

  1. I was also making mistakes about this!
    I should try to say correctly from now on:)
