Wednesday, May 1, 2013

MANNAM Victory Cup: We become one in Soccer!

MANNAM Victory Cup: We become one in Soccer!

MANNAM Victory was held in Gangwon area so all the players from Gangwon gathered for the soccer match. Several MANNAM teams got together. Some teams are from the same country like, Vietnamese, and China. But some teams were made from the players all around the world. Even though, the language, culture, races were different, they became one by soccer. The love of soccer maybe is the same for all the players.
 Because English is common in soccer, many words come from English. Like as, Goalkeeper, Goal, attack etc. But still some words can be translated in Korean.

 Attack(er): 공격()
 Defence(r): 수비()
 경고: yellow card
 퇴장: red card

 Do you know more words in your language? We can change some words in other languages but most of them will be English because soccer started in England. Like the English is used in all around the world, hope MANNAM Victory cup can become huge for all the soccer lovers around the world. Winning is important, but what MANNAM thinks is that becoming one for peace is more to us. Because with this thought, everyone wins no matter what the score is!

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