Tuesday, April 16, 2013

[MANNAM KOREAN CLASS] Korean four character idiom '인산인해(in-san-in-hae)'

[MANNAM KOREAN CLASS] Korean four character idiom '인산인해(in-san-in-hae)'

Today's four character idiom is '인산인해(in-san-in-hae)'.
It indicates immeasurable people have gathered.
In this four character idiom, (in) means Person/ People, (san) means mountain and (hae) means Ocean / Sea.
So, altogether, it means mountain of people and sea of people.
As you can't count mountain and also sea, it shows situation which lots of people have gathered.

You can this situation of 인산인해(in-san-in-hae) on festivals or holidays.
However, not only for those kinds of fun things, what if lots of people gather to do volunteer work?
If MANNAM is 인산인해(in-san-in-hae) with lots of volunteers, then, won't it be impossible to achieve peace?
If lots of people gather and work for world peace, what can't be impossible?
If we gather and share lights in us, that will be the one what we can make peace with.
By sharing lights, cultures, we can understand each other, then, there will be no reason to fight each other.
So, let's make MANNAM 인산인해(in-san-in-hae) and achieve WORLD PEACE:)

# Korean Four character idiom

- 인산인해(in-san-in-hae) : Immeasurable people has gathered
- (in) : Person/ People
- (san) : Mountain
- (hae) : Ocean / Sea

* In the sentence, is used with 이루다(i-ru-da) which means to make and form.
- 인산인해를 이루다 (in-san-in-hae-reul i-ru-da)

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