Wednesday, April 17, 2013

MANNAM KOREAN CLASS: “여보세요, Yeo-bo-sae-yo!”

MANNAM KOREAN CLASS: “여보세요, Yeo-bo-sae-yo!”

When the mobile phone rings, Korean say “Yeo-bo-sae-yo(여보세요)” It is a Korean way of saying ‘Hello’ to the other person who is on line. We say this many times, BUT! Do you know the meaning of “Yeo-bo-sae-yo”? Actually, Koreans don’t really know about the meaning or why we began to use it. So, let’s find out!

 Yeo-bo-sae-yo is a short way to say “Yeo-gi-bo-sae-yo(여기 보세요)”. It is like ‘Look over here!’ to others. Korea first had telephone on the late 19C. When people used the telephone for the first time, it was very surprising for them. Since they can hear the voice of someone, people thought the other person can see them too. “Yeo-gi” is ‘here’, “Bo-sae-yo” means ‘look’.

 If you live or know about Korea, Korean uses “Yeo-bo-sae-yo” is different cases too! Do you know in which situation people also use this word? For example, if I go inside a house for the first time, I say this word to say ‘Is anyone there?’, ‘Hello?’ Or to call a person who I don’t know, but have to shout for help or something, we use this way of saying. Listen carefully then you can hear people say this even without noticing.

 I learn the meaning in MANNAM Korean class. Both Koreans and foreigners, we learn many things that I didn’t recognize, plus Korean as well. Also by sharing this kind of culture is very interesting and helpful. In the class, MANNAM friends taught some of their way of saying ‘Hello’ in their way. In China people say “Wey”, Japan “mo-si-mo-si”. Do you know any other words for saying Hello? Let’s share and learn more in MANNAM Korean class!

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