Saturday, April 13, 2013

[MANNAM] North & South Korea, different language, same hope

[MANNAM] North & South Korea, different language, same hope

You know North and South Korea have same nationality.
Even now there is a line between us, we have same language, culture and ancestors.
However, since the Korean war, it has been already more than 60 years.
During that time, because of our different political system, we had different life styles.
As you experience in South Korea, it's more opened to other countries so that, here, there are not only pure Korean culture but also there are other various cultures coexisting.
On the other hand, because North Korea was not very opened to other countries, they still keep their own Korean culture.
With this different life styles, now, there are differences in North and South Korea.
Especially, today, I will introduce difference in languages.

In South Korea, people just use English word doughnut when we see a bread that has a hole in the meddle.
However, in North Korea, they call it 가락지빵(ga-rak-ji-bbang) which means ring bread.
가락지(ga-rak-ji) is a old word for ring and (bbang) means bread.

The Korean famous noodle 라면(ra-myeon) is also in North Korea too.
However, they call it 꼬부랑 국수(ggo-bu-rang guk-su).
꼬부랑(ggo-bu-rang) is usually used to describe grandmothers who has bent back.
But as 라면(ra-myeon) has curl, they also call 라면(ra-myeon), 꼬부랑 국수(ggo-bu-rang guk-su)

Last, let's see how North Korean people call the Konglish word hand phone, 핸드폰(hand phone) in pure Korean.
They call it 손전화(son-jeon-hwa). (son) is hand and 전화(jeon-hwa) is phone.
A telephone that you can carry with your hand.

Like this, if South Korea use lots of word that has Chinese meanings and English word, North Korea use pure Korean words.
However, even we have difference in our language and cultures, our hope is not different.
Our hope is reunification and live peacefully with our separated family.
But it takes long time to do this if only Korea tries it.
We need your help to make peace in us.
It's not only Korean's problem, when Korea reunificate, the world is one step forward to peace.
So let's work together in MANNAM to get close to world peace.
Help us that there are no more differences in North and south Korea so that we can still communicate we families meet together.

# North & South Korean Vocabulary

* To help : 도와주다(do-wa-ju-da) - 방조하다(bang-jo-ha-da)
* To provide : 예방하다(yea-bang-ha-da) - 미리막이하다(mi-ri-mak-i-ha-da)
* cell phone : 핸드폰(haen-deu-pon) - 손전화(son-jeon-hwa)
* Ra-men : 라면(ra-myeon) - 꼬부랑 국수(ggo-bu-rang guk-soo)
* Doughnut : 도넛(do-neut) - 가락지빵(ga-rak-ji bbang)

- 전쟁이 없도록 방조해주세요
- jeon-jaeng-i eop-do-rok bang-jo-hae ju-sae-yo
- Help us not to have a war

- 전쟁을 미리막이하기 위해 함께 노력합시다
- jeon-jaeng-eul mi-ri-mak-yi-ha-gi wi-hae ham-ggae no-ryeok-hap-si-da
- Let's work together to prevent war

1 comment:

  1. Different a little but same language, Korean It's just dialects, :) Yes... family who shared the same histories
