It’s time to learn 21st century Korean!
Do you know the word 완소남 and 완소녀?
I will give you a hint. Guess what they
If you have brothers or sisters, they can
be 완소남 and 완소녀.
Your best friend can be 완소남 and 완소녀.
Also, if you have your favorite singer or actor,
they can be 완소남 and 완소녀.
Most of all, you are 완소남 or 완소녀.
Do you get it? Let’s separate this word and
see if you got it.
The full word for 완소남 and 완소녀 is ‘완전 소중한 남자/여자(wan-jeon so-jung-han nam-ja/yeo-ja)’
Which means absolutely precious man/woman.
These three words, we only take the first
letter ‘완, 소, 남/여’ and make it shorten word.
#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
-완전(wan-jeon) :
Absolutely, perfect, fully
-소중한(so-jung-han) :
-남자(Nam-ja) : Man
-여자(yeo-ja) : Woman
*On the word 완소녀,
when the letter ‘여’ is added to ‘완소’ 여 changes to ‘녀’.
It is on of the irregular grammar rule.
Just remember when you say ‘완소녀’, ‘녀’ represents 여자.
All of us have our own precious people. It
can be family, friends, coworkers and...etc.
Moreover, there is no one who is not
precious. All of us are all precious.
However, in the world, because of war, there
are lots of people who lose their 완소남 or 완소녀.
If they were your 완소남 or 완소녀, would you just sit down and do
nothing to save them?
NO! You will do EVERYTHING trying not to
loose them, right?
Everyone in the world is 완소남 or 완소녀, we should stop fighting and save
all the 완소남 and 완소녀.
How? It’s not that difficult. With MANNAM,
by being a peacemaker, we can save our 완소남 and 완소녀.
Let’s make WORLD PEACE and share happinessJ
useful information. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI think a really great Korean!