Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MANNAM! Do you know that small pepper is hotter than bigger one?

MANNAM! Do you know that small pepper is spicy?

Do you know that small pepper is spicy?
You don’t think so? There is a Korean proverb that says like this!
작은 고추가 맵다(jak-eun go-chu-ga maep-da)’ It means small pepper is spicy.
The hidden meaning for this is, even it is small, its persistence is strong that it can succeed in anything.

Then, why is pepper related to this meaning? It can’t be proven  with scientific evidence, but it came from our ancestors’ experience!
While other peppers grow, some of them stop growing. Outwardly, you can’t see them growing, however, instead of growing their size, on inside, their energy from sunlight changes to spicy taste.
This is why small peppers are hotter than big one.

As the same meaning of English proverbs, Men are not to measured by inches.
Like this, sometimes, outlook is not the whole story. The thing that really matters is the inside.
Big fancy thing can be nothing in inside, on the contrary, small thing can be amazing thing!!
Being a one peacemaker might look like very small and have no power
However, if you have the mindset in you, it might be the key to change the world!
MANNAM is just a part of group in the world, but in MANNAM, like the pepper, instead of spicy, PEACE is already happening!!
Let’s be the little pepper that makes WORLD PEACE!

@Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*작다(jak-da) : to be small
*고추(go-chu) : Pepper
*맵다(maep-da) : Spicy
*-(-ga) : Subject maker
*작다->작은(jak-da->jak-eun) : Form changes. Adjective -> Adverb

1 comment:

  1. Really doing a great job, I think a small country in South Korea
