Tuesday, February 12, 2013

MANNAM! Long time no see! How are you doing?

MANNAM! Long time no see! How are you doing?

Hi, MANNAM Friends! Long time no see~
It has been long time since we met.
‘How are you?’ ‘How are you doing?’ ‘I’m so glad to see you!’
After long vacation or holiday, when we go back to our normal life, we used to say these expressions.
Not only after special days, we also ask these after weekends.
Just by asking theses, we can show others interest and we can have better relation through this sentence.
Are you ready to learn this??

@Korean expressions
#오랜만이에요 [Long time no see]
#반가워요 [Glad to see you]
#잘 지냈어요? [How are you?]
#잘 지내고 있어요? [How are you doing?]
#어떻게 지냈어요? [How have you been?]
(eo-tteo-ge ji-naet-eo-yo?)
#주말 잘 보냈어요? [Did you spend good weekend?]
(Ju-mal jal bo-naet-eo-yo?)

@Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*반갑다 : glad, welcome, pleasant
* : well
*지내다 : live, spend
*보내다 : spend(time), send
*어떻게 : how
*주말 : weekend

반갑다’ means glad, welcome. When you change this as conversation form, it changes to ‘반가워요’.
Even there are no words for ‘meet’ or ‘you’, it means glad to meet you. However, if you want to emphasis meeting someone, you can add ‘만나다(man-na-de)’->’만나서(man-na-seo)’=’만나서 반가워요’. ‘만나다’ means to meet! Like verb form of MANNAM(만남)! Added with ‘반가워요’, word ‘만나다’ has to change to ‘만나서’ to make the meaning glad to meet you. ‘-’ includes the meaning ‘in order to’.

잘 지냈어요?’ means ‘how are you?’. When you directly translate this expression, it means, ‘Did you spend well?’ ‘지내다’ means spend time, and ‘지냈다 is past form of ’지내다’.
Also, in the expression ‘잘 지내고 있어요?’, ‘-고 있다’ represent present progressive. So, ‘잘 지내고 있어요? Means ‘Are you spending well?’, Are you living well?’.

@Tip for answering these questions!
It’s soooooo easy to answer these question!
You just have to change the tone.
Answer with same expression, but say it with ending tone.
Like ‘잘 지냈어요?’ -> ‘잘 지냈어요.’
Easy? It’s your turn to show your friends interests!
There is a word that ‘Indifference is worse than saying bad things.’
Let’s show others that you care them and they are not alone!

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