Friday, February 8, 2013

MANNAM! 새해 복 많이 받으세요 [sae-hae bok man-i bat-eu-sae-yo]

MANNAM! 새해 복 많이 받으세요 [sae-hae bok man-i bat-eu-sae-yo]

Happy lunar new year! We used to say this on new years day.
However, there are some other expression sthat Koreans say on lunar new year.
Let’s learn about that today.

@Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
#새해 복 많이 받으세요 [Recieve lots of good luck in this year]
(sae-hae bok man-i bat-eu-sae-yo)
#건강하세요 [Be healty]
#소원 성취하세요 [Achieve your wish]
(so-won seong-chui-ha-sae-yo)
#기쁨이 넘치길 기원합니다 [Wish to be happy]
(gi-ppeum-i num-chi-gil gi-won-hap-ni-da)

People say these expressions while they bow to older people.
Then, why do they say this?
Long time ago, Korea was famous for courtesy. Korean showed their respect by bowing to the elders. This was an action of respecting elders.
So, on lunar new year, children and also adults bow to their own parents, usually to grandparents to respect them.
They say these expressions while they bow to elders. Lower people wish good luck to elders and then elders also reply by saying these expressions wishing them another good year.

However, the expression ‘새해 복 많이 받으세요’ is only for elders to say it.
Elders can bless to lower people but lower people cannot bless elders.
That is wierd. It doesn’t make sence, isn’t it?
That’s why lower people shouldn’t say ‘새해 복 많이 받으세요’ to elders.
Instead they can wish them to be happy or healthy.
Don’t make mistake! Be a courteous MANNAM memberJ
If you are planning to volunteer at senior center, say this to them!
They will also wish you a good luck!
With these expressions, let’s be the light of the world!

*P.S. Don’t misunderstand about I say ‘새해 복 많이 받으세요’ as a title of this article.
I don’t think I am higher than you. I just wanted to share Korean culture with you guys.

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