Wednesday, February 27, 2013

MANNAM! Have you ever done volunteer work? 봉사 해 봤어요?

MANNAM! Have you ever done volunteer work? 봉사 해 봤어요?

MANNAM! Have you ever done volunteer work??
It dosent have to be professional work or volunteering in aboard.
Even playing with kids, helping elders or sharing your love in someway is also volunteering.
Many people think volunteering is something that specialized people can do.
Its totally wrong. Maybe some of volunteering that need qualification that only few people can
do, but there are many other kinds of volunteering that normal people can do very easily.
For example, sharing canned food for low income people, delivering briquette, playing with kids and etc.
These volunteering dont demand professional ability. They require your time!
Also, these are what MANNAM International is doing now. We spend our time and volunteer to make world warmer with our love.

At first, some people worry about whether they can do these volunteering. Also I did.
I was worried about that I won't be helpful.
However, regardless of these worries, when I joined MANNAM, it was opposite to what I thought.
Furthermore, not only volunteering, I could experience many things and also made happy memories.
Not only me, but also my foreign friends were happy to experience Korean culture through volunteering.
I felt really proud of myself and thankful to all the people I have met.
Even I participate as volunteering work, however, I felt like I learned and received more than I have shared with others.

Now, I can fairly say 저는 봉사 해 봤어요!, I have done volunteer work
How about you? Have you done it? 봉사 해 봤어요?
If not, this is time to do it! Join nearest MANNAM branch and feel the warm heart.

#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar 
*Asking/ Answering experiences
-/어 봤어요(-a/-eu bwat-eu-yo) : To have tried (something) / To have experienced (something)
* , + -아 봤어요
* other + -어 봤어요
* 하다 -> 해 봤어요

*만남에 가다 -> 만남에 가 봤어요
-MANNAM-ea ga-da -> MANNAM-ae ga bwat-eu-yo
-go to MANNAM -> Have been to MANNAM

*한국 음식을 먹다 -> 한국 음식을 먹어 봤어요
-han-guk eum-sik-eul meok-da -> han-guk eum-sik-eul meok-eu bwat-eu-yo
-Eat Korean food -> Have tried eating Korean food.

*만남과 봉사하다 -> 만남과 봉사 해 봤어요
-MANNAM-gwa bong-sa-ha-da -> MANNAM-gwa bong-sa hae bwat-eu-yo
-volunteer with MANNAM -> have experienced volunteering with MANNAM


  1. Meeting and volunteer organizations have worked together in the
    Love the bright and warm meeting was beautiful too.
    Time, I want to try again when

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It looks like You are studying a lot of fun!

    I love Mannam^.^♥

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. It's a great story to read.
    I think it's awesome.

  6. Want to MANNAM with volunteer activities.

  7. When ever I volunteerd sometimes I'm tired in physically, but in spiritually I am always happy and emotional

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Thank you everyone happy mannam volunteer.

  10. A beautiful culture through volunteering here is expected to spread.

  11. Mannam is very good. You can experience many korea culture.

  12. I think they are very good neighbors.

  13. mannam is good!!!^^

  14. Mannam organized by the flood before the 04 was involved in the recovery was really rewarding and good

  15. Im sure one thing that MANNAM is perfect and famtastic organization:D
