Thursday, February 28, 2013

MANNAM이랑, MANNAM과, MANNAM하고 함께 해요! Let’s do it with MANNAM!

MANNAM이랑, MANNAM, MANNAM하고 함께 해요! Let’s do it with MANNAM!

Koreans like to be with others more than being alone. Many Korean cultures are related to working together.
Long time ago, at harvest time, Koreans gathered and helped each other.
They could have done their own field, however, even though they had to work many times, they worked together.
While they work together, they sang Korean traditional harvest song to soothe their laboriousness.              
Not only harvest time, whenever they have happy or hard time they shared it together.                                        
There is a famous word saying ‘A shared joy is a double joy, but a shared sorrow is half a sorrow’.
I have experienced this a lot. Sometimes, when I am having trouble with something, I share it with others and it makes the problem much lighter.
Don’t you experience these? I’m sure you did.

MANNAM is the one who shares everything together.
By doing volunteer works together, we share happiness, hardship and everything.
That’s why we feel less hardship and times of happiness.
Also, because we are MANNAM International, when there are contretemps happening in some countries, we share sadness together and try our best to cheer them up.
This is why MANNAM have strong connections. We are like one huge global family.

There are lots of advantages when we work together.
Although something may seem impossible, when people gather and think together, there will be nothing impossible.
Everything changes to POSSIBLE. Such as WORLD PEACE!
It might look impossible to achieve it, but when MANNAM families gather and work for it, impossible will change to possible.
Don’t you want to change world history? Join MANNAM and let’s do this!

#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
* -/-(-wa/-gwa) : and (can be used as 'with')
-Vowel + -
-Consonant + -
* -(rang) : and (can be used as 'with')
* -하고(ha-go) : and (can be used as 'with')
& -/-, -, -하고 means 'and'. They are exchangable but –/- is usually used as written form and –, -하고 is used as conversation form.             exchangeable
& -/- cannot beoverlapped. However, -, -하고, can be overlapped in one sentence.

* 함께(ham-kkae) : Together
* 같이(gat-i) : Together

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