Tuesday, February 26, 2013

MANNAM Internationals is round and warm??

MANNAM Internationals is round and warm??

What do you think MANNAM is round and warm means?
How can be an association round and warm? It doesnt make sense.
However, the words round and warm in this sentence dont mean a shape nor a temperature.
They represent the association’s character. Does it sounds still werid? Then see how it works.

We usually use the word Round when something is circular in shape.                                    
It has no edge and it is formed with curves.
When the object has edges, we should be careful for the sharp vertex.
Same as this character, when a person is 둥글다(dung-geul-da), it means the person is  easygoing and fit in well with others.
On the other, if a person is 모나다(mo-na-da), it means he or she is a difficult person.
Whenever the person gets along with others, the corner bumps with others and it cause hard to go well with them.
Then, how about 따뜻하다(tta-tteut-ha-da) ?
Does this mean a person who has warm hands? No.
As you know, it means warm-hearted person. When you get along with warm-hearted person, you can also feel the warm heart.
Last, 차갑다 means? Yes. A person who is curt or unfriendly.
Like this Korean uses to make an insinuation to shapes or adjectives related to temperature.

So, now, do you understand todays title? How do you think about that? Do you agree?
I do. MANNAM does volunteer works with no discrimination nor gender, nationality, religion differences.
We share love, culture and peace to the world. Arent these members have warm-heart? Isnt this warm-hearted work? MANNAM is an association where 따뜻한 사람들 are gathered.
In addition, because MANNAM International has many members who are from many different countries, we get along together and rub our sharp corners. That is why MANNAM members are 둥글다(dung-geul-da).
How about you? Are you 따뜻하다? 차갑다? 둥글다? 모나다? Join us and lets heat up the world!

@Korean Expression & Grammar
*성격(seong-gyeok) : Character, personality
*따뜻하다(tta-tteut-ha-da) : warm
*차갑다(cha-gap-da) : cold, chilly, icy
*둥글다(dung-geul-da) : round, spherical
*모나다(mo-na-da) : angulate

*만남 회원들은 따뜻한 봉사자들이다.
(MANNAM hoe-won-deul-eun tta-tteut-han bong-sa-ja-deul-i-da)
-MANNAM members are warm-hearted volunteers.
*만남 회원들은 둥근 성격을 가졌다.
(MANNAM hoe-won-deul-eun dung-geun seong-gyeok-eul ga-jeot-da)
-MANNAM members have round character.

*따뜻한/둥근 : Adjective form
*회원(hoe-won) : member
*봉사자(bong-sa-ja) : volunteer
*가지다(가졌다)(ga-ji-da/ga-jeot-da) : to have


  1. MANNAM is a purely volunteer organization.Efforts around the world so that people can unite to serve the community and neighbors, the MANNAM is a good organization.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's a great story to read.
    have a nice day.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. passion and peace mannam for service organizations.

  6. Korean culture Korean culture around the world is the world ...
