Monday, May 6, 2013

MANNAM The meaning of the word ‘아름답다’

KC- The meaning of the word ‘아름답다

Since summer is around the corner, the weather is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers, trees and all the natures make picturesque scene. Looking at those make me say
Then what is the word beautiful in Korean? Also, what is to be beautiful?
아름답다(a-reum-dab-ta) is an adjective which means ‘beautiful’.

The old word of 아름답다(a-reum-dab-ta) is 알움(al-um).
When we examine the word 알움(al-um) detailly, it is the combined letter of (al) and (um).
The first letter (al) is same as the word ‘’ and ‘아리’, all of them means ‘the sun’
The second letter (um) refers ‘state of sprouting out.’
All together 알움(al-um) refers ‘sprouting out the seed that is naturally within me.’

Therefore, 아름답다(a-reum-dab-ta) connotes the meaning that to be beautiful is sprouting out what is naturally within you.
Each one of us has beautiful sprouts in us.
Each sprout, the spirit of your own culture won’t be same, but there’s no doubt that each one is beautiful.
Moreover, it will be more beautiful when each of us recognize and respect the each cultural spirits within us. Each one of us are beautiful because we have own special culture and beautiful within us.
As we learnt the word ‘아름답다(a-reum-dab-ta)’, I hope you can remind the beauty within us as the connotation in the word 아름답다(a-reum-dab-ta) when you use this word.

You are beautiful
당신은 아름답습니다 (Dang-sin-un) (a-reum-dab-tap-seup-ni-da)

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