Sunday, May 5, 2013

MANNAM: Step by step for peace 2 ( MIYC Pledge of Peace 10KM )

MANNAM: Step by step for peace 2 ( MIYC Pledge of Peace 10KM )

 10km walk event was held every year in the name of peace. This year, the ambience of the event was a little different. It differed in scale and size because the purpose was different. The difference can be divided into five parts.

Third, there were lots of booths that you could enjoy, and many stuff to help you remember. Because this year’s event was from all MANNAM in Korea and especially the headquarters of MANNAM helped a lot. For example, MANNAM K-POP team showed us performances on that day. Also, before the 10Km walk started, the K-POP team showed us some exercise movements to follow for warm up. Hand made badges came handy too. There was a booth were you can print your finger print on a badge. It was unique, and a good item for reminding this event.

< Making badges with fingerprints >

MIYC T-shirts was also interest to the people. 5 colors of shirts which were written MIYC was all over the park that day so, every body who came there noticed about our program. It was sold out before the walk, so other who couldn’t buy them didn’t have a choice about the matter.

Fourth, the place where the event was held was suitable for everyone. Not only the youth but also the young and old enjoyed it. In Seoul Grand Park, there was a zoo, amusement park and lots of things to see and enjoy. Especially the cherry blossoms bloomed beautifully so the sight was lovely.

< Cherry blossoms in Seoul Grand Park >

Last but not least, 10Km walk and MIYC was hot in media. If last year’s 10Km was only limited in Korea media, this year many countries got interest in this event. Since the event was with many other foreign associations, this was possible. Not only on this day, but also by MIYC effect caused in other countries too. India, Philippines and other countries broadcast about this peace walk in Korea.

 Peace is possible if I am working for it. We can not make something big all by me. We have to face the reality and must work together for peace. If we do this, peace will come any sooner now.
Don’t you want to do something meaningful when you have the chance to do it? Don’t hesitate. Just come to MANNAM. I know that we can make you significant and a person who matters. With your help it is possible!

< Words for peace in Korean >
-Possible: 가능하다
-Meaningful: 의미 있는
-Media: 방송
-Face the reality: 현실을 직시하다
-Work together: 협력하다

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