Friday, May 3, 2013

MANNAM: Step by step for peace 1 ( MIYC Pledge of Peace 10K )

MANNAM: Step by step for peace 1 ( MIYC Pledge of Peace 10K )

 What do you do for peace? How hard are you working for peace? Are you a person who acts what he or she thinks? In MANNAM what you think of peace is coming real. In MANNAM we show acts for everything we think that is right. For world peace, MANNAM got together in Seoul Grand Park this year. It was a big 10km walking event for peace.

 10km walk event was held every year in the name of peace. This year, the ambience of the event was a little different. It differed in scale and size because the purpose was different. The difference can be divided into five parts.

 First, the scale was larger than before. 10Km event is held every once a year. Like last year, over 10 MANNAM branches throughout the country held 10Km event in their own branches. But this year was different. Every branch in Korea, MANNAM gathered for this event. So, thousands of people came together in one place for peace.

 Second, the purpose became larger and more serious.
Many counties suffered because of all the disasters that happened all around the world. Haiti, Turkey, Pakistan, Japan, Chile had earthquakes and typhoon in their countries. When the disaster happened, it was broadcasted throughout the whole world. Many people was shocked and alerted by the news. What about now? Still in some places the people who meet the misfortune suffer even now. But the people from other countries forgot about this fact because it is not my problem. To remember and helping by sending the video was the main purpose for last year’s 10Km. By walking the 10Km, we thought, and remembered what happened in other side of the world. Actually last year, we made a video about this event and send it to the counties. Turkey was so pleased and glad about this, they broadcasted in their national broadcast channel.
This year, the peace walk was with many youth organization in Korea. The youth came together for peace. The leaders of the organizations took a pledge for peace. In this event, we announced that we don’t want war anymore in this world. 13 countries were chosen to represent for all countries suffering the consequences of wars and internal conflicts. (Nepal, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, India, Philippines, China, Malawi, Uganda, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, South Korea) So, the people in this year walked for peace, no war. 

< 2012 10KM walk in Seoul >
< This year’s 10KM & MIYC Pledge of peace in Seoul Grand Park >

< Starting the walk for 10KM > 

 Here are some words for peace in Korean. Hope we all can learn together and make the peace come true faster!

< Words for peace in Korean >
Peace: 평화
Pledge: 맹세, 서약
Walk: 걷다
War: 전쟁
Youth: 청년
Disaster: 재난
Broadcast: 방송하다

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