Tuesday, May 14, 2013

[MANNAM] MANNAM friends! Korean 열공하삼!

[MANNAM] MANNAM friends! Korean 열공하삼!

New words have appeared since technology developed recently. In the modern society, time and speed is the key for success. People communicate with texts and messages, so words transformed into a short way. To send messages as short as they can, but it has to have all the meaning what the sender wants, words had to change also. This happens not only in Korean but also in English and with other languages. But lets check about Korean shorten words.
1. 열공하다 = 심히 하다
(공부하다 study 열심히 hard)

2. 즐감하삼 = 겁게 감상하세요
(~ is a slang of saying ~하세요 감상하다 admire 즐겁게 joyful)

3. 안물 = 안 물어봤어요
( didn물어보다 ask something)

4. 빨리 = 82(팔이: It has the similar pronunciation)

5. 안습 = 구에 기 차다
(안구 = 눈알 eye ball, 습기 humid, 차다 filled with)

6. 흠좀무 = ..이게 사실이라면 좀 무섭겠군요?
( hum  little, a bit 무섭다 scary, Hum.. If this is true it is a bit scary)

7. 지못미 = 지켜주지 못해서 미안해
(지키다 protect  can미안하다 sorry, Sorry I couldnt protect you)

8. 완소 = 완전 소중하다
(완전 very, much 소중하다 precious)

9. 볼매 = 볼수록 매력 있다
(보다 see 매력 있다 have attraction The more I see you the more you attract me)

10. 불금 = 불타는 금요일
( fire 금요일 Friday, Burning(Hot) Friday)

If we use shorten words, maybe we can understand the words that people say recently, but it is the start of transforming our beautiful language into an unknown form. Dont you want to 열공 in MANNAM? Still there are many words that are made by people still now as we speak. Learn the words and the origins correctly. Be a friend who can make jokes with Korean friends. That will be 완소 & 볼매 friend! It is possible in MANNAM Korean class!


  1. Wow..... I think this is REAL Korean kkk

  2. Hahaha...
    There are many Korean words useful in real life in Korea! XD
