Monday, February 3, 2014

Korean Lunar New Year, MANNAM.

설날: 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
         Korean Lunar New Year: All the best wished to you in a new year.

When you see the calendar produced in Korea, you will see the red number that are printed underneath the big black dates. Those red numbers are date that counted in according to circulation of Moon. Based on Korean tradition, we have our own Korean Lunar New Year according to moon, and we celebrate it every year.

For 2014, 30th, January was Korean New Year according to Lunar Calendar. There are greeting we share on New Year, that is ‘새해 복 많이 받으세요.’ When you break down the each word, ‘‘ means ‘new’ and ‘’ means ‘year’ or ‘sun’, altogether it means ‘new year.’  ‘’ means ‘blessing.’ You might had heard of this term ‘많이’ which means ‘many.’ Lastly, ‘받으세요’ is an honorifics form of ‘받다’ which has a meaning of ‘to receive.’  
When it is literally translated, it means ‘Have (receive) many blessing for new year. ’

Korean Lunar New Year is ‘설날’ in Korean. In 설날(Seol-Nal), families gathered together and share the words of blessing that wishes good luck for each member.

Other than this, we also say 새해에 더욱 건강하세요.
Let’s break this sentence down together.
Hope you can remember the word ‘새해’that we just learnt. Yes, it means ‘new year.’ ‘더욱’ means ‘more’, ‘increasingly’ and ‘more and more.’ 건강 means ‘health.’ 하세요
Is an honorific form of ‘하다’ which has a meaning of ‘to do’ in verb.
Pronunciation: 새해에 (Sae-Hae Ae) 더욱 (Deo-Yuk) 건강하세요(Gun-Gang Ha-Sae-Yo.) Now, could you put all the words together to make one complete sentence?

You can see the complete translation when you draw the empty space after sentence below
새해에 더욱 건강하세요 ‘Wish you be much healthier on new year.’
It is a blessing greeting for your friends and family to stay healthy.

Beginning of year is always excited. Perhaps you already made many new plans for 2014, or are making plans that didn’t work very well on last year. Either way, we hope you to have joyful and meaning year for 2014. Let’s fill out our new calendar with exciting and wonderful memories. It would be much more meaningful if you share your memory with your friends in MANNAM too. Hope you and I, everyone to have happier year. 새해 복 많이 받으세요~

단어 Vocabulary

Korean Lunar New Year
lunar calendar
New Year

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