Saturday, April 20, 2013

[MANNAM] Would you like to be 귀요미(gui-yo-me)?

[MANNAM] Would you like to be 귀요미(gui-yo-me)?

Being a cutie become a sensation in Korea.
The word 귀요미(gui-yo-me) is from 귀엽다(gui-yeop-da) which means cute in Korean.
So, 귀요미(gui-yo-me) represents a person who does cute things or looks like cute.
Have you ever heard 귀요미(gui-yo-me) song?
It goes like this. 1+1= 귀요미(gui-yo-me), 2+2= 귀요미(gui-yo-me), and so on till 5.
The lyrics doesn't mean anything but it has its own cutie action in each number.
It might looks like very childish, but is in famous in all ages.
One of Korean culture, Koreans like to be seen younger than they are.
To be younger, they try to eat healthy, exercise, and also they dress younger.
Because of this trend, there are lots of cute words to be cutie.

When you are asking for a favor to someone, how about saying 뿌잉뿌잉(bbu-ing bbu-ing)?
It's a charming action of earnest request. When you say this word, there is an action that you should do with.
First, clench your two fist and then, put it on your cheek. this is not it. There is one more step.
At the same time you say the word 뿌잉뿌잉(bbu-ing bbu-ing), bob up and down your two fist.
Also the main point in here is your shining, twinkling eyes that looks like diamonds in it.
If you do that when you do something, there will be no one to refuse your request.

Second word that we will learn is 부끄부끄(bu-ggeu-bu-ggeu).
This word is from the word 부끄럽다(bu-ggeu-rup-da) which means shy.
When people are shy, they don't know what to do but being ruddy cheeks.
In this situation, you can say 부끄부끄(bu-ggeu-bu-ggeu).
There is also an action, but it is just same as 뿌잉뿌잉(bbu-ing bbu-ing).
This will make you look cute and also to escape from that situation.

Lastly, if see this situation that someone is doing this and if it's too cringe, you can say 오글오글(o-geul o-geul).
The word 오글오글(o-geul o-geul) is kind of mimetic word that describe your body shrinking because of cringe situation. It is mostly used when people are going way over than how they are.
For this word, spread your two hand and fold it one by one like your body is shrinking.

Isn't this words cute?
It is also good to use within friends, coworker, families, but! how about using this with kids?
What kids? Many branches in MANNAM International Volunteer association goes to kids center or orphanage to volunteer.
When we go there to volunteer, we share our culture and love, but sometimes, it's hard to communicate with kids.
However, how about using these cute words with them?
I'm sure they will smile and open their heart.
It's not just because you are saying famous Korean words, but it's because they will know that you are trying to get close to them.
This might be a very little thing, but there is nothing bigger than to open someone's mind.
So, will you join us to share your light, your culture and love to kids?
Write some reply if this has worked:)

# Korean Vocabulary

- 귀엽다(gui-yeop-da) : Cute
- 귀요미(gui-yo-mi) : Cutie
- 뿌잉뿌잉(bbu-ing bbu-ing) : charming action
- 부끄럽다(bu-ggeu-rup-da) : Shy
- 부끄부끄(bu-ggeu-bu-ggeu) : Shy, bashful
- 오글오글(o-geul o-geul) : Sappy, cheesy, cringe

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