Monday, April 22, 2013

[MANNAM KOREAN CLASS] 동음이의어(dong-eum-i-ui-eo), one word, different meaning.

[MANNAM KOREAN CLASS] 동음이의어(dong-eum-i-ui-eo), one word, different meaning.

When you were listening to Korean, have you ever experienced that there is something wrong in the sentence?
Which is like, you know this word means something, but it doesn't make sense with that meaning in that sentence.
Today, I will give you a solution to that weird situation.
The reason why you felt something wrong was there were other meaning.
In Korean, it is called 동음이의어(dong-eum-i-ui-eo).
동 means same, 음 means sound, 이 means different, 의 means meaning and 어 means word.
Altogether, it means a word that has same meaning but different meanings.
In a one word, because it sounds same but has many meanings, that is why people can confuse.
So, let's learn them so we can understand!
# Korean Vocabulary
- 사과(sa-gwa) : Apple/ Apology
- 눈(neun) : Eye/ Snow
- 말(mal) : Language/ Horse
- 배(bae) : Stomach/ Pear/ Ship
- 타다(ta-da) : To ride/ Burn

# Examples
* 아침에 사과를 먹어요
- A-chim-ea sa-gwa-reul muk-eo-yo
- I eat apple in the morning
* 친구에게 사과를 했어요
- chin-gu-ea-gae sa-gwa-reul hat-eo-yo
- I apologied to friend
* 얼굴에 눈이 두 개가 있어요
- eol-geul-ea neun-i do-gae-ga it-eo-yo
- There are two eyes in the face
* 겨울에 눈이 내려요
- gyeo-wul-ea neun-i nae-ryeo-yo
- It snows in the winter
* 한국말로 해 주세요
-han-guk-mal-ro hae ju-sae-yo
-Please speak in Korean
* 옛날에 한국에서는 말을 탔었어요
-yet-nal-ea han-guk-ea-seo-neun mal-eul tat-eot-eo-yo
-Long time ago in Korea, people rode horse
* 배가 아파요
- bae-ga a-pa-yo
- Stomach hurt
* 배가 맛있어요
- bae-ga mat-it-eo-yo
- Pear is delicious
* 배로 제주도에 가요
- bae-ro jea-ju-do-ea ga-yo
- Go to Jeaju island by ship
* 음식이 타고 있어요
- eum-sik-i ta-go it-eo-yo
- Food is burning
* 차에 타고 집에 가요
- cha-ea ta-go jip-ea ga-yo
- Go home by riding a car

There are many 동음이의어(dong-eum-i-ui-eo), but these are the most famous words.
If you have a words like this in your language, share with us.
Even it's a Korean class, because WE ARE MANNAM INTERNATIONAL, we share not only language, but also cultures too:)

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