Friday, April 12, 2013

MANNAM is a mountain 만남은 산과 같다(MANNAM-eun san-gwa got-da)

MANNAM is a mountain 만남은 산과 같다(MANNAM-eun san-gwa got-da)

On 6th of April, we went to the mountain for volunteer work.
As I mentioned on last article, because 5th of April was a tree planting day, we went there to plant and also to clean the mountain.
On that day, way to go up there, the view was awesome.
Although flowers weren't blossomed yet, lots of trees and some waterfalls were beautiful.
While I was on the mountain, I felt that MANNAM is like an mountain!
It's not just a whimsy thinking. Here are the reasons why I felt this way.

There are lots of different kinds of trees on the mountain.
As a one itself, it is just a tree. However, together, they make one big mountain.
Even though they are different, they stay together, and become strong that no one could remove them.
Whenever tsunami comes, they keep their position and withstand it.
When you see under the ground, you can see their roots are grabbing each other.
This is how trees stay together and survive the danger.

How about us? MANNAM International members?
We are all from different countries. We speak different languages, nationalities and religions.
However, in MANNAM, we stay together and make strong possibilities of world peace.
Others might think we are just a group of people, but inside, we work together and by sharing each light, cultures we can have the material for the world peace.
This is how we overcome the difference between us and achieve peace in the world.

So now, does MANNAM International looks like one big mountain?
I can see a MANNAM mountain with various colors shinning with the light.
However, we need more trees, the light to save the Earth from the war.
We need you to twinkle with us so that we can achieve the world peace with stronger light.
One light can be dark, but if we stand together, it will be bright enough to light up the world.

# Korean Vocabulary

- /과 같다(-wa/gwa got-da) : same to/with, equal to
- 만남은 여러 종류의 나무가 모인 산과 같다
- MANNAM-eun yeo-reo jong-ryu-ui na-mu-ga mo-in san-gwa got-da
- MANNAM is equal to a mountain which many kinds of trees has gathered.

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