Monday, April 8, 2013

[MANNAM] It's a spring now!!!

[MANNAM] It's a spring now!!!


봄 봄 봄 봄 봄이 왔어요~(Bom bom bom bom bom-yiwat-eo-yo) Spring has come!

What comes into your mind when you think about spring?

It reminds me of a new start, warm aura, and growing up and etc.

in spring, because of lots of flowers, the image of spring is very bright.

However, a few days ago, I heard in the radio that, because most of the atmosphere is bright, on the other side, there are more people who are depressed deeply.

When the room is dark, we can flatter that every side of the room is bright.

However, as the room is bright, the dark side is darker than it used to be.

Same as this, we might feel spring is the season that everyone can start new thing and grow up but there are excluded people we forgot about.

They could be people who are harmed from the war and disaster or natural environment.

Living in the same planet means we care each other, right?

Let's share our warm and hopeful energy with those people.

So that not only a one side but all the side of the earth can be bright.

The material for this is your LIGHT!

Like the slogan of MANNAM, When Light meets Light there is Victory.

Share your light, your culture. By sharing, we can make world brighter than ever.

MANNAM International Volunteers share their own lights through volunteering hoping for world peace.

Don't you want this spring to be the happiest for EVERYONE?

If you do, join us:)


# Learning Korean Vocabulary

-계절(gye-jeol) : Season

-(bom) : Spring

-여름(yeo-reum) : Summer

-가을(ga-eul) : Fall

-겨울(gyeo-ul) : Winter


  1. Spring is great.!!
    Thank you for the good information.
    I'll study hard.

  2. Spring is great.
    Thank you for the good information.
    I'll study hard.
