Saturday, April 6, 2013

[MANNAM] Do you know the meaning of the word ‘Face’ 얼굴(eol-geul)

[MANNAM] Do you know the meaning of the word ‘Face’ 얼굴(eol-geul)

The word ‘얼굴(eol-geul)’ means ‘Face’ in Korean.
But, do you know the hidden meaning in this word?
First, ‘(geul)’ means cave and cave puts something inside.
Next, ‘(eol)’ has the meaning of spirit and mind.
So, all together, ‘얼굴(eol-geul)’ means a cave that puts one’s spirit.
Isn’t it cool? When we hear about ‘얼굴(eol-geul)’, we think about a round thing that has eyes, nose, mouse and ears in it.
However, that’s not is. ‘얼굴(eol-geul)’ also puts one’s mind.
Specifically, this is an example.
When you see a man fighting, you can see a anger through his face.
On the contrary, when you see kids playing together, you can see and also feel the happiness and peace through their face.
By just looking at someone’s face, you can see their spirit and mind.
But, not only for others, others also can see your mind through your face too.
Smiling might looks like just happy, but it means the person is having positive spirit.
Same as others’ too.
As a result, remember that your face is a cave of your sprit.
It can spread peaceful energy more effectively than by saying many words.
However, it’s not easy to control your mind, right?
Then, why don’t you do thing that can change your face, the spirit?
In my experience, whenever I do volunteer works, I feel like my spirit and mind get cured.
During that time and also even back from that time, I feel like I am full of happy energy.
It’s like healing my spirit.
So, on this weekend, how about joining MANNAM International and heal your spirit?
Don’t you want your ‘얼굴(eol-geul)’ to be looked beautifully??

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