Monday, April 1, 2013

[MANNAM] April Fool’s Day, 만우절(man-u-jeul)

[MANNAM] April Fool’s Day, 만우절(man-u-jeul)

Hey guys~ its April fool’s day!
Did you do any tricks on others or any lies?
I did to my friends and we had lots of fun :)
I sent fake present on online and they believed it was real.
Even there are lots of countries celebrating April fool’s Day, the way and culture of celebrating is different.

In Korea, especially in schools, we used to do many tricks on teachers.
For example, we changed all of our chairs and desks facing back of the class so that teacher came in and thought he/she went into wrong door.
Also, two classes’ students changed the classroom and made teacher confuse the classroom.
Moreover, only few of the students, like five of them in the class, snick into other classroom and pretend like he/she was used to be there.
Last, student made fake another classmate with their clothes.
Even though teachers know that it is a fake, we spend happy time on 1st day of April.
This is the memory that I have when I was in school.
How do you guys celebrate April fool’s day?
It would be more fun if we share various culture of celebrating fools day.
But, even it is an April fool’s Day, don’t go so far.
Everything and everyone is happy when it is ENOUGH.
You know this, right?
On different perspective, someone can be rude to you, but understand them and be generous. Because it’s April fool’s Day!
It’s the only day that people can be understood even they are lying: P
Have fun!

# Korean Vocabulary
- 만우절(man-u-jeul)  : April fool’s day
- 진짜(jin-jja) : Real, genuine
- 가짜(ga-jja) : Fake
- 진실(jin-sil) : Honest, truth, fact
- 거짓(geo-jit) : Lie, false
- 뻥(ppeong) : Fib, lie
- 뻥 치지마(ppeong chi-ji-ma) : Don’t lie, Don’t fib

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