Tuesday, April 2, 2013


[MANNAM] Let's Know More about MANNAM!

We know that MANNAM Volunteer association is biggest volunteer group in Korea.

We are also aware of many volunteer events and activities through MANNAM official website and blogs. But still, there are some questions that we want to know more about this amazing MANNAM volunteer association!

Then why don’t we ask it to person who established MANNAM volunteer association?

So, in order to know more about MANNAM, here is the interview of Chairwoman of MANNAM volunteer association!

Q. What do you think about volunteerism mean as the Chairwoman of MANNAM?

-> I think that every basic foundation of ideology is filial piety, and it is not limited to only Korea. When one is dutiful to one's parent, it is filial piety; when the same devotion is shown to a country, it becomes loyalty; and in religion, it becomes faith. And they are based on sacrifice, thinking of other before oneself, which is the spirit of volunteer service. MANNAM's service is voluntary and dedicating oneself as if he or she is doing work at one's home, even when picking up garbage on the street. This is the spirit of MANNAM.

Q. What are the plans for the future of the organization?

-> A. Our vision is to work as pure volunteers who give back to the community.

Q. MANNAM's slogan is "When Light meets Light, there is Victory!".
What does it mean by then?

-> A. Each person is light, also should become a person like light. As these people who are like light meet, we can defeat the darkness from the world.

Q. What is Cultural-art volunteer meant to MANNAM?

I heard MANNAM is alike true volunteerism and a great planning. Supporting the poor is not only MANNAM’S volunteer work but also letting a delivery of the message of hope through the Cultural- art performance and a receiver who experience the love to be met and become one is our Cultural-art volunteerism.

Q. Why does MANNAM do country-related events?

->A. It is very natural to dedicate time and efforts to those we love. As MANNAM loves its country and sincerely appreciates those who sacrificed their lives for the country, it is logical to give our time and effort. We do not see this as sacrifice. The question of "Why do you do country-related events? is equivalent to the question of "Why do you love another?"

Source from MANNAM Judo Club



  1. It make sense!

    The question of "Why do you do country-related events? is equivalent to the question of "Why do you love another?"

    Yes, it is.
    Thanks for your sincere answer. :D

  2. MANNAM make me light ,
    so I feel that I'am a valuable ~!
