Saturday, March 2, 2013

MANNANM! WORLD PEACE is a piece of cake

MANNANM! WORLD PEACE is a piece of cake

There are two korean proverbs that has same meaning with It is a piece of cake.
One is 누워서 먹기, and the other one is 식은 먹기.
Lets see why Koreans use these proverbs as It is a piece of cake.

First, 누워서 먹기 means eat rice cake laying down.
It is weird, ist it? Think about this situation.
It is uncomfortable to eat something when you are laying down.
When you eat something while you are laying down, it easily stuck in you neck.
Then, why this 누워서 먹기 means piece of cake?

Long time ago, Korea was very poor. It was rare to eat rice cake. Nevertheless, people hardly ate three meals in a day. So rice cake was extravagant thing to people. Eating rice cake represent rich to Koreans before. Also, ancestors wish was to laying down in a warm house in the winter. Thats why 누워서 먹기 represent piece of cake. Nowadays, their wish changed and used as piece of cake.

How about 식은 먹기? As it is, When food, porridge has cooled down, it is very easy to eat.
Thats why we call 식은 먹기 to something that is very easy to do.
Many people say there are nothing that is easy. However, on contrary, there are many things that is 누워서 먹기. For example, how about WORLD PEACE? It seems like it doesnt go with the word 식은 먹기. Then, if WORLD PEACE is very hot and hard to eat it, why dont we cool it down?
It will be easier to eat it like 식은 먹기.
How? with MANNAM, we can cool it down.

Nowadays, world is so hot with conflicts. There are many troubles in everywhere.
How can we decrease these problems? How about we start from small things?
Like, helping others, sharing love and showing your light of PEACE?
Isnt it 누워서 먹기 things to do it? Just spend little bit of your time and make small changes in your life, city, country and the world.
Even with something thats small and easy that is the way to achieve the WORLD PEACE!
If you want to make changes, join MANNAM International. We are ready to do this and we will always welcome you:)

#Korean Expression & Vocabulary
*누워서 먹기(nu-w-seo ddeok muk-gi)
*식은 먹기(sic-eun juk muk-gi)

-눕다(nup-da) : to lie
-(ddeok) : rice cake
-먹다(muk-da) : to eat
-식다(sic-da) :cool down
-(juk) : porridge

1 comment:

  1. So easy to achieve peace in the world if I want to participate.
