Friday, March 1, 2013

MANNAM! PEACE is happening. 평화는 이뤄지고 있어요

MANNAM! PEACE is happening. 평화는 이뤄지고 있어요
MANNAM! What are you doing now? 지금 뭐해요?(ji-geum muw-hae-yo?)
I am writing a article. 저는 글 쓰고 있어요(jeo-neun gul seu-go it-eu-yo)
Then, how about others? Some might be sleeping, eating, playing, working and etc.
Even at this same moment, everyone is doing different things.
Not individually, overall, did you know that PEACE is happening right now in the world?
If you look more closely, you can see PEACE movements around the world.
Among them, MANNAM International is one volunteer association that leads PEACE movement.
By doing volunteer works together, we spread PEACE to the world.
Members from all over the world gather and light the world with PEACE.
Volunteer works that one is doing might be not big enough to make changes, but if we get together and share our cultures, the LIGHT, I am sure it will change the world.
Share you light, We need your light to make big effect to the world.
If you spread PEACE to your friends, it will be passed to their friends.
This simple step will be spread to others and PEACE will reach to EVERYONE in the world.
At that point, our dream will come true.
PEACE is happening right now, but it will be achieved soon.
We are volunteering. 우리는 봉사하고 있어요.
We are sharing love. 우리는 사랑을 나누고 있어요.
We are spreading PEACE. 우리는 평화를 퍼트리고 있어요.
We are trying our best. 우리는 최선을 다해 노력하고 있어요.
# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
* Present progressive
-고 있어요(-go it-eu-yo) : V ing
* 봉사하다(bong-sa-ha-da) -> 봉사하고 있어요 / volunteer
* 나누다(na-nu-da) -> 나누고 있어요 / share
* 퍼트리다(peu-teu-ri-da) -> 퍼트리고 있어요 / spread
* 노력하다(no-ryeok-ha-da) -> 노력하고 있어요 / trying


  1. Peace, I think I'm doing now?Really surprising is it?

  2. mannam volunteer(korean) is love peace

  3. Among them, MANNAM International is one volunteer association that leads PEACE movement.

  4. It is interesting that you use your name as PEACE ~! :D
