Sunday, March 3, 2013

MANNAM! How often do you work for PEACE?

MANNAM! How often do you work for PEACE?

How often do you eat? Eating is a very important thing to everyone.
보통(usually), people have three meals in one day. It doesn’t have to be three times. Some eats more than three times or less than that. Whether you want it or not, it depends on individual’s mind or environment.
How about you? How much do you care about your meal? Or how often?
It might be one of the interesting thing in peoples life.
Then, how about PEACE? Maybe it is interested in to only someone.
It doesn’t considered as much as meal. However, PEACE have (has) an effect on meals.
We don’t really feel them directly to our skin, but to someone, PEACE is very earnest.
If there is no PEACE, there will be wars and war ruins the world. This is why PEACE is important.
PEACE can be more than just a meal. It has power to save people’s life.
Even we can live peacefully, why should we worry about that? Isn’t it wasting time and everything?
Then, how could we change these things? If you think more about the PEACE, it will make difference in our world.
Think about PEACE when you have meals. Think about people who are suffering because of lack of PEACE.
If you thought about PEACE only in sometimes, then think about peace more often.
가끔 말고 자주 생각합시다. Let’s think about it usually not sometimes.
If you think this, then act to change these things. Like thinking about PEACE, acting is not difficult too.
Spending your time thinking about PEACE and volunteering will sure bring the WORLD PEACE to us.

#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*얼마나 자주 -/어요?(eol-ma-na ja-ju) : How often do you do -?

-언제나(un-jae-na), 항상(hang-sang), (neul) : always
-자주(ja-ju) : often
-종종(jong-jong) : often
-보통(bo-tong) : usually
-가끔(ga-ggeum) : sometimes
-전혀 안(jeon-hyeo an) : never


  1. Thank you for your work.
    I think it's awesome.

  2. To work for peace in the world, so many MANNAM?Service organizations really amazing!
