Wednesday, March 13, 2013

MANNAM으로 가 주세요~

MANNAM으로 가 주세요~

Hi guys, what’s your plan today?
Don’t you have MANNAM Korean class this evening?
To go to MANNAM Korean class today, let’s learn expressions used in taxi.
First, if you know the place you are going and also taxi driver knows the place, there is no problem.
However, when you want to go to the place that’s unfamiliar, you have to tell to the driver which way to go.
For these kinds of situation, let’s learn how to say directions.
오른쪽(o-reun-jjok) is right and 왼쪽(waen-jjok) left.
When you say directions, there is one grammar you have to attach.
-()means ‘to’ and 가 주세요(eu-ro ga-ju-sae-yo) means 'please go'.
So, let’s say you have to go right. Then you can say ‘오른쪽으로 가 주세요.
At this point, if you want to point some place, then you can add ‘여기서 or 저기서’ in front of the expression.
여기 is here and 저기 is there.  – means ‘at’.
Now, can you make it to the class? Don’t be late! J

# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar

*-()로 가 주세요(eu-ro ga-ju-sae-yo) : please go to -
-가다(ga-da) : to go
-주세요(ju-sae-yo) : please
-오른쪽(o-reun-jjok) : Right
-왼쪽(waen-jjok) : Left
-직진(jik-jin) : go straight
-(jjuk) : keep going
--()(-ae-seo) : at
--()(eu-ro) : to -

1 comment:

  1. I interest this class.
    I think Language is Power. So I love many other language.
