Wednesday, March 13, 2013

MANNAM! Treat others with your light!

MANNAM! Treat others with your light!

Time to learn Korean proverbs!
Todays proverb is... 가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다(ga-neun mal-i go-wa-ya o-neun mal-i gop-da).
This proverb means Nice words for nice words or what goes around comes around.
When you treat others like prince or princess, you will be treated in the same way. 
On the contrary, when you are treated like worthless person, you feel like are a person like that.
Like this, treating someone is very important.
Like the meaning up there, when you say nice words to others, they will do it too.
However, when someone starts with bad words, the other wont say good words.
This is how it works. I am sure even if it was you or me, we would be the same.
This might looks simple, but it is not an easy thing.
By the lack of this could cause argue, fight and furthermore, war between countries.
People want to be treated like valuable person, not worthless.
Everyone is precious and they are reasonable for that.
So, why dont we start to light up the world?
Because we have the LIGHTS, we can make the world brighter.
From now on, from the nearest person next you, treat them like they are valuable.
If you do, they will do the same to you.
This movement will avoid arguing, fighting and also war between countries.
This is how MANNAM International makes WORLD PEACE and this is MANNAM CULTURE :)

# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다(ga-neun mal-i go-wa-ya o-neun mal-i gop-da)

* 가다(ga-da) : to go
* 오다(o-da) : to come
* 곱다(gop-da) : beautiful, pretty, nice
* (mal): words or horse

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