Wednesday, March 6, 2013

MANNAM! Share your lights after reading this article

MANNAM! Share your lights after reading this article MANNAM! What is your dream? Famous dreams that people usually want are being rich, having a good job, happy marriage and be healthy. These are the things that all people want. So do I.What about after that? Whether we achieve our own dreams or not, we are not sure if we will be happy.However, the world doesnt stay still. As you know, because we are living in the world together we can influence each other. If we maintain peace in the world, it can make synergy effect. It will give you good effect.On the contrary, What if we dont maintain peace and occur war in us? Im not mentioning about unrealistic thing. Even now, war is happening in the world right next to you. Some might dont get big effects from the war. However, there are many people who lost their life, family, home and everything. War doesnt choose people. Whoever you are, war doesn't count nationality, religion or races. Even after you achieved your dream to live happily, if there is a war happening in the world, it is worthless. Lets say war doesn't influence you and you achieved your happy dream. What about next generation? What about your sons and daughters? Do you want them to live in fear of the war? Are you still thinking about those things I listed on there as your most important dream? If you really think that you are not living alone in the world, your dream must have changed while you read this article.

As a result, what is your dream and what will you do after reading this? You cant change everything to change the world in short time, but if you work with others, who has same goal, you can decrease time.
MANNAM International association is working hard to make world peace. We volunteer at the place where we need and share our love. Through volunteer, we share cultures and make peace in difference.
Why dont you join us after reading this article? 기사를 읽은 후에 우리와 함께 하는건 어때요? 
# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*-() 다음에 : aftet –ing
*Consonant + -은 다음에 / Vowel + -
*먹다 -> 먹은 다음에 / 가다 -> 간 다음에
#For example
-요리를 한 다음에 먹어요 : eat after cooking
-친구들과 모인 다음에 봉사에 가요 : go t
*요리하다(yo-ri-ha-da) : to cook
*먹다(muk-da) : to eat
*모이다(mo-i-da) : gather
*가다(ga-da) : to go

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