Thursday, March 7, 2013

MANNAM! Let's work for the PEACE, not only saying it

MANNAM! Let's work for the PEACE, not only saying it

There is a quote that I like.
We know things in our head, but do we have them in our heart?
This is said by Man Hee Lee, the honored chairman of MANNAM

When I hear this quote, I felt a prick of conscience at what he said
I usually say or think I will do this and that. I plan a lot. Planning is not bad thing.
However, fulfill the words I said is more important.
Even though I say or think a lot but what if there is no result?
No one will believe you. The trust between others and the trust on your words will lose confidence.
Like the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ In Korean, The shepherd boy, 양치기 소년.
Do you know this story? Here is a simple summary.

There was a shepherd boy. One day, he was so bored that he tried to trick village people. He shouted, “There is a wolf, help!”. As soon as they heard him screaming, they came out to help him. But there was no wolf and people went back. The shepherd boy got interested in this and shouted again. Like the first time, people came to help him. Again, they went back angry. Suddenly, the real wolf appeared and he shouted for help. However people thought it was teasing them so they didn’t come out to save him. Finally, he lost his sheep and became liar.

Not like the story, even though you weren’t on purpose to lie, if you don’t act what you said, you will lose trust from others.
What’s the solution to this? There is only one. To do what you have said.
Promise to yourself, ‘ 할게요’. I will do for sure
If you have said you want WORLD PEACE, work for it!
평화를 위해 할게요! I will work for PEACE.
Join us, MANNAM International to keep your promises. Don’t just keep them in your head. Act those and make a result.

#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*V() 게요(ge-yo) : Ill V

먹다 -> 먹을게요 : Ill eat well
가다 -> 갈게요 : Ill go


  1. We know things in our head, but do we have them in our heart?
    I like the word.

    1. This word always stays in my mind. This words motivates me a lot:)
