Tuesday, March 5, 2013

MANNAM is trying to spread PEACE!

MANNAM is trying to spread PEACE!

Whats up? What are you up to?
This is one of the many greetings we say when we meet others.
You may not have any plan, but usually, we have plans and we are about to do something.
In addition, when we are doing something, we have reason why we are doi to do it.
For example, even when you are resting, its because you are tired. When you meet someone, there are many different reasons.
How can we express this in Korean? Its not hard. Lets learn it today.
You only need this one grammar. -()려고 해요(ryeo-go hae-yo).
It means to plan to V
For example, I am planning to share other countries’ cultures with MANNAM International members. 저는 만남 멤버들과 다른 나라의 문화를 나누려고 해요.

Sometimes, sharing culture is uncomfortable because its not familiar to ones own culture.
However, through culture we can see the world and other people.
As a person living in the Earth, we can not live alone. Wheather we want or not, we are related to others’ and have an effect on each other.
If we know others culture, we can understand better and also we can avoid conflicts.
This will make WORLD PEACE. How can you learn other cultures?
Nowadays, media has developed a lot and you can get a lot of information from everywhere. However, wont it be better to hear from the person who is from the country?
Its hard to meet those people, but as you know MANNAM International is an association
composed of international people. In MANNAM, like the word MANNAM, we can meet many other people. We try to make PEACE in us and spread them to the world.
World is very big, but MANNAM is a small size of the world. If we achieve WORLD PEACE in us we can also make it in the real world. In MANNAM, because we share worlds culture, there is a new culture in us. It is MANNAM CULTURE. Its hard to explain. Join us and feel it.
Sharing culture and understanding it might be not easy, but if we think its our culture, then it will be easy to accept it. Lets share our LIGHTS!!

# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
* -()려고 해요(ryeo-go hae-yo) : to plan to V
*Consonant + -으려고 해요 / Vowel + -려고 해요
-먹다 -> 먹으려고 해요 / 공부하다 -> 공부하려고 해요
(to eat -> plan to eat / to study -> plan to study)

#For exapmle
-주말에 뭐해요? : what are you doing on weekends?
(ju-mal-ae mo-hae-yo?)
-봉사 가려고 해요 : Planning to go volunteering
(bong-sa ga-ryeo-go hae-yo)
-봉사에 가서 하려고 해요? : What are you planning to do at the volunteer?
(bong-sa-ae ga-seo mo ha-ryeo-go hae-yo)
-사랑과 문화를 나누려고 해요 : I am planning to share love and culture.
(sa-rang-gwa mun-hwa-reul na-nu- ryeo-go hae-yo)


  1. MANNAM culture is something different. Surprising

    1. Join MANNAM and experience MANNAM culture:)

  2. It’s surprise to know that I can learn Korean in such an interesting and easy way, I’d like to try to learn it.

  3. Wow, lets us our culture ? this is good think!!!
    I want to that !
