Monday, March 4, 2013

MANNAM! Make your own plan for WORLD PEACE

MANNAM! Make your own plan for WORLD PEACE

When we plan for something, we think of these six questions and plan with this.
When? Where? Who? What? How? And Why?
If there is an information missing from these questions, it is not considered as a perfect plan.
Then, would you like to listen to MANNAMs plan?
Our plan is to make WORLD PEACE!
-언제(when) : Until we achieve world peace
-어디(where) : In MANNAM! In your place
-누구(who) : With MANNAM International, with other MANNAM members
-무엇/(what) : Our mission is to bring all people of different nationalities, creeds and cultures together
-어떻게(how) : Through volunteering and to learn and understand each other
-(why) : We want to bring the light of love across the globe and from this will come cries of "Victory!"
We are not just looking for a far dream. This is happening now and many people are joining this to achieve it.

If you want to advance WORLD PEACE, join us! How? Its easy
-언제(when) : Anytime when you have time to join MANNAM volunteer works or events
-어디(where) : There are branches in each city and also, in some countries. You can join nearest branch.
-누구(who) : You! You can invite others who are interested in WORLD PEACE too.
-무엇/(what) : Achieving WORLD PEACE and volunteering with MaNNAM!
-어떻게(how) : Contact the nearest MANNAM branch and join!
-(why) : Because we want WORLD PEACE

# Korean Expression & Vocabulary
-언제(eon-jae) : when
-어디(eo-di) : where
-누구(nu-gu) : who
-무엇/(mu-eot) : what
-어떻게(eo-tteo-gae) : how
-(wae) : why

*언제 봉사해요? (When do you volunteer?)
-주말에 봉사해요 (I volunteer on the weekends)
*어디서 봉사해요? (Where do you volunteer?)
-아동센터에서 봉사해요 (I volunteer at Kids Center)
*누구 봉사해요? (Who do you volunteer with?)
-만남 친구들과 함께 봉사해요 (I volunteer with MANNAM friends)
*무슨 봉사해요? (Which volunteer do you do?)
-아이들과 함께 놀아주는 봉사해요 (Volunteer work playing with kids)
*어떻게 봉사해요? (How do you volunteer?)
-같이 요리하고 게임하고 만들기 해요 (Cook, play games and crafting together)
* 봉사해요? (Why do you volunteer?)
저도 사랑을 받았기 때문에 전하려고 해요 (Because I received love, I am trying to share them)

*주말(ju-mal) : weekends
*아동센터(a-dong center) : kids center
*친구들(chin-gu-deul) : friends
*함께(ham-kkae) : together
*요리하다(yo-ri-ha-da) : to cook
*게임하다(gae-im ha-da) : play game
*만들다(man-deul-da) -> 만들기 : to make
*받다(bat-da) : to receive
*전하다(jeon-ha-da) : to convey


  1. I'm a lot of volunteer work?How to participate there?

  2. This is MANNAM International's official site. Go on to this site and find nearest branch from your place. MANNAM is near you and you are always welcome:)
