Friday, March 22, 2013

Expressions needed in MANNAM International Korean class

Expressions needed in MANNAM International Korean class

We are all here to learn Korean, right?
Many of you guys are already taking MANNAM Korean class in many other branches.
Weather you are taking classes or not, why dont we learn about expressions that is essential for the Korean class?
There are some expressions that teacher uses a lot in the class.
These expressions will be helpful to follow the class and understands it.

여기를 보세요
yeo-gi-reul bo-sae-yo
Look at here
jal deul-eo-bo-sae-yo
Listen carefully
따라해 보세요
tta-ra-hae bo-sae-yo
Follow me
Repeat after me
Please read
Please write
대답해 보세요
dae-dap-hae bo-sae-yo
Please answer
질문 있어요?
jil-mun it-eo-yo?
Do you have a question?

From now on, listen carefully and follow these diractions.
I hope these expressions help you in the classJ

# Vocabulary
보다(bo-da) : To see
- 듣다(deut-da) : To listen, to hear
- 따라하다(tta-ra-ha-da) : To follow
- 읽다(ilk-da) : To read
- 쓰다(sseu-da) : To Write
- 대답/대답하다(dae-dap-ha-da) : Answer/To answer
- 질문/질문하다(jil-mun-ha-da) : Question/To ask question

# Grammar
-()세요 is a command/imperative form; a polite way to tell someone to do something.
-The verb 듣다(to listen) is an irregular verb. When it changes to /어요 form, it changes to 들어요
-따라해 보세요 means follow after me, however, in the class, it uses as repeat after meJ

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