Thursday, March 21, 2013

MANNAM: Don't touch, it's 'Ji-Ji'!

MANNAM: Don't touch, it's 'Ji-Ji'!

Have you ever hear of the word 지지(ji-ji)?
This is officially resisted in Korean dictionary, which is the babytalk which refers something dirty.

Today, I’d like to talk about babytalk.
Little babies can not talk, so people use simple words so they can understand the conversation easily.
In old Koreans, the waste was used to call ‘(jji)’
That is why is called 귀지(geui-ji) , the last word from 귀지, was originated from the old Korean ‘(jii-dirty)’
So when you see a child trying to eat or to pick up the dirty stuff, then you can say
안되! 지지(ji-ji)!

Today we learnt simple babytalk in Korean.
Then as adults, why did we learn it?
We talk in a very simple and concise way when we talk with baby.
That is an action of consideration for others.
As we talk concisely for baby to understand easier, we could be able to communicate with more people if we consider the others more.
When I said ‘communication’, it doesn’t only refer in exchanging the information through speaking or writing.
Communication would connotate the meaning of understanding, sometimes to make both sides to understand the information or each other, it requires consideration.
As use easy words for baby, if we consider the others more when we talk, or don’t use certain offensive words in a way to consider the other’s culture, we can be friends with more people.

# Words of Babytalk in Korean

- 지지(ji-ji)    - noun for dirty .
- 맘마 (mam-ma) – Food 
(Normal word for 맘마 is 음식(Eum-shik, food))
- 빠빠 (pa-paa) - Daddy
- 까까(kkakka) - Snake

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