Monday, February 25, 2013

MANNAM! MANNAM is 좋아요? Or 좋아해요? Good? Or like?

MANNAM! MANNAM is 좋아요? Or 좋아해요? Good? Or like?

To foreigners, Do you like something?, 좋아해요? might be one of the most frequently asked questions by Koreans.
Koreans ask this question a lot because they are curious about how you think about Korea, Korean culture.
Some foreigners may like the question while others may not.

It’s just their own flavors.
Also, there is one more question that Koreans usually ask. It is Is it good?’ ‘이거 좋아요?.
Koreans usually want to have confidence in their things. Thats why they ask this question.
However, to foreigners, it is very hard to distinguish these two questions because both of the two questions include meaning ofLike.

좋아하다(좋아해요) is about your flavor. It doesnt matter what it is, or what others’ thoughts are.  It is asking about your opinion. For example, 한국 음식 좋아해요?, Do you like Korean food?. If they like the special Korean taste, they will say yes. If they dont, they will say no.
좋다(좋아요) is about some objects. It is also require your thought, but it is more objective than 좋아하다.
For example, 커피 좋아요?, Is coffee good?. For this question, there can be two answers too. One is coffee is good because it improves memory. On the other side, it is bad because it disturbs sleeping.
It is usually related to fact of that object, but it can also be your own opinion.

So, lets talk about MANNAM using this sentence. It is also my thought.
*저는 만남을 좋아해요. 여러 나라 사람들과 함께 문화를 나눌 있어서 만남이 좋아요.
*jeo-neun MANNAM-eul jo-a-hae-yo.
Yeo-reo na-ra sa-ram-deul-gwa ham-kkae mun-hwa-reul na-nul su it-eo-seo MANNAM-i jo-a-yo.
*I like MANNAM. MANNAM is good because I can share cultures with people from many countries.

만남 좋아해요? 좋아해요? Do you like MANNAM? Why do you like MANNAM?
What is your reason to like MANNAM??

#Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*좋아요(jo-a-yo) : good, fine, nice-adjective
*좋아해요(jo-a-hae-yo) : like, love, be fond of-verb

* : I
*- : object maker
*여러 : many
*나라 : country
*사람 : person
*- : plural for person
*함께 : together
*나누다 : share
*나눌 있다 : can share


  1. Korean culture like!Volunteering MANNAM good!

  2. Korean culture Korean culture around the world is the world ...

  3. Meet each other as a volunteer MANNAM.
