Saturday, May 11, 2013

MANNAM Korean class: Spelling system of Hangul(한글 맞춤법)2

MANNAM Korean class: Spelling system of Hangul(한글 맞춤법)2

 No matter which language you learn, leaning a language is difficult. You have to know the rules of grammar, vocabularies, and words that people use because of culture. Korean has a feature that people say. 아침에 글을 배우면 저녁에 쓸 수 있다(If you learn the character in the morning, you can write it in the afternoon). Do you agree this sentence? Well, this can be a little exaggerated, but actually I saw many of my friends learn Korean fast. This is possible when I learn and know the Hangul by the first step at a step. This is the other basics that we have to know about Hangul.
 Chapter 2 is about the alphabets. In Hangul the alphabets are twenty four totals, and the order and names are like this.

(기역), (니은), (디귿), (리을), (미음), (비읍), (시옷), (이응), (지읒), (치읓), (키읔), (티읕), (피읖), (히읗)

(), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ()

Especially, when you pronounce , , , , , make sure you pronounce it correctly. Even Koreans get confused when they pronounce this.

Addition 1, the sounds that we cant pronounce with the alphabets above, we double the alphabets and the order and names are like this.

< Compound consonants >
(쌍기역), (쌍디귿), (쌍비읍), (쌍시옷), (쌍지읒)

< Compound vowels >
(), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ()

Addition 2, the orders of the alphabet is like this in the dictionary.

< The orders of Hangul alphabets in the dictionary >
1.     Consonants
 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

2.     Vowels
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

 Once you learn the basics of Hangul, you can progress your study easily. The important things are in your mind. If you think that it is easy, and try hard for it, you can achieve it easily. If you think you can not, that brings the same conclusion. So lets learn the basics in MANNAM Korean class! Here you can learn not only Korean but also love. Make yourself who IS the person that writes in the afternoon. In MANNAM it is possible!

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