Wednesday, April 10, 2013

MANNAM! Let's grab our hands together!!

MANNAM! Let's grab our hands together!!

Time for learning Korean idiom is back!!
Today's idiom is '손을 잡다(son-eul jap-da) '.
손(son) is hand and 잡다(jap-da) means to grab.
However, 손을 잡다(son-eul jap-da) is not only about grabbing hands.
It has hidden meaning included in there. Which is 'To units minds and cooperate together'
Can you think of MANNAM logo? It looks like the Taegeuk pattern in Korean flag and there are two hands grabbing each other.
When we meet, most of countries shack hands as greeting.
Also in another situation, when contract has concluded, two representatives shack hands.
However, in this situation, shaking hands doesn't mean greeting.
It means from now on, let's cooperate and do well, right?
Same as this, when we grab others hands, it could be the meaning of greeting but also, it can be the hands gathering power.
When one person stands alone and tries to do something, it could be hard to achieve its goal.
However, when many people, who are looking for same goal, grab hands together, then the power to achieve the goal will be stronger.

In MANNAM International, because we look for same thing, which is world peace, and work together, we can achieve this goal through us.
Each hand that we grab in MANNAM is the one that will never break up.
It will bring more power and possibilities to achieve peace.
If you are hoping for the same goal with us, grab our hand and let's achieve it together.
When all the people in the world grab hand in hand, that is the time that peace has achieved.
Who will fight if we grab hands together?
We are stretching our hands to the world through volunteering works.
Why don' you join us and hold out your hands to the world?
Grabbing your hand can be the way to make world peace.

# Korean Idiom

- 손을 잡다(son-eul jap-da) : To grab hands
=> To units minds and cooperate together
- 손(son) : Hand
- 잡다(jap-da) : To grab

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