Monday, March 18, 2013

[MANNAM] How much do you know about Korea?

[MANNAM] How much do you know about Korea?

There are many people who are learning Korean.
They have their own reason for learning Korean.
What is your reason?
Want to sing with your favorite K-POP star? Want to watch Korean drama?
To have Korean friends to speak with?
There must be plenty of reasons.
However, before learning Korean, how much do you know about Korea?

How do you call Korea in Korean?
How dose Korea look like in the world map?
How many people are there?
How big is Korea?
Where is the Capital city of Korea?
What is Korea’s national flower?
What language do they use?

If you don’t know even one of these questions, watch this video.
Knowing about Korea might help you to learn more about Korean.
Also, if you want to know more about Korean culture, visit other MANNAM family sites. You can get more various information.

  # Korean Vocabulary

-대한민국(dae-han-min-guk) : Korean
-인구(in-gu) : Population
-면적(myeon-jeok) : area
-수도(soo-do) : Capital city
-서울(Seoul) : Seoul
-국화(guk-hwa) : National flower
-무궁화 : Mu-gung-hwa -언어(eon-eo) : Language
-한국어(han-guk-eo) : Korean (Korea-language)


  1. It is a very useful because not only learning Korean, but we can learn Korean culture too.

  2. I learnd somthing that i did't know before about Korea
