Thursday, March 14, 2013

이심전심 in MANNAM International

이심전심 in MANNAM International

In Korea, like the proverbs, Koreans use four-character idioms a lot.
Today, I will introduce one to you
Before that, four character idiom is called 사자성어.
Each character represents meaning and together, it works like proverbs.
Like the title of the article, todays four-character idiom is 이심전심.
means to write, means mind and means to tell or to communicate.
(two in this idiom represents the same meaning.)
All together, it means, instead of writing or saying it, people can communicate with each other’s mind, understanding without the words.
How can this happen? It might look weird, but I think many of you already have experienced this.
Between friends or families, even they dont say something, by just looking at each other or just know how they feel and what they want.
Also, among the people who look for the same things, because they have the same goal that they are heading to that they know what they need to each other.
One example for this is MANNAM International.
Even though we have different nationalities, religions and gender, when we work together, we know what to do, what we need and what we can do.
Which is sharing love and achieve WORLD PEACE.
Not only between MANNAM members, through volunteering, we learn to understand others

# Korean four-character idiom
-이심전심(i-sim-jeon-sim) : Instead of writing or saying it, people can communicate with each others mind, understanding without the words.

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