Thursday, March 28, 2013

[MANNAM] Korean names for vegetables

[MANNAM] Korean names for vegetables
How’s the weather today?
It’s still chilly out, but I can feel spring is here. It’s getting warmer.
It means... summer will come soon.
Even though we wear warm clothes now, we’ll soon wear shorts.
Then, what do we need? DIET!!!
It doesn’t mean all the people have to diet, but I know many of Koreans will do.
Moreover, diet is not only about losing weight, it is also about being healthy.
I know exercise is important for a diet, but food is also one of the important thing related to diet.
When people start to diet, some just skip meals to lose weight, but it’s dangerous way.
Not eating food during the diet will bring bad problems. Instead, why don’t you eat healthy foods?
Try not to eat too much of oily and sweet foods. It doesn’t help you to be healthy.
Then, what should we eat? We need all the nutritions but among them, how about green food? Which is vegetables!
Vegetables has less calories and there are various vitamins in it.
So, it is good for the health and also for diet.
Let’s say you decided to eat vegetables and went to market to but them.
BUT the thing is... you don’t know the Korean name of vegetables!
I know, when you look at it, you will know what it is, but to make it easy to find it, let’s learn about Korean names for vegetables.
# Korean names for vegetables
- 야채(ya-chae), 채소(chae-so) : Vegetable
- 양배추(yang-bae-chu) : Cabbage
- 양상추(yang-sang-chu) : Lettuce
- 배추(bae-chu) : Chinese cabbage
- 상추(sang-chu) : Lettuce (Korean style)
- 오이(o-i) : Cucumber
- 당근(dang-geun) : Carrot
- 시금치(si-geum-chi) : Spinach
- 양파(yang-pa) : Onion
- 파(pa) : Green Onion
- 피망(pi-mang) : Bell pepper, paprika
- 호박(ho-bak) : Pumpkin
In the name of the vegetables, you can see ‘(yang)’ in front of the word.
(yang)’ means ocean, abroad. So the word that has ‘(yang)’ on the front, it means it is from abroad.
Also, ‘양배추(yang-bae-chu)’ is the one that you can think of in your head, and ‘상추(sang-chu)’ is a Korean style lettuce which you can easily seen in the meat restaurant.
So, now, can you find these vegetables in the market?
How about practicing with the picture first?
This is a link leads to MANNAM Cooking blog.
They have lots of pictures of food. Why don’t you try to remember?

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