Sunday, February 17, 2013



하하’(ha-ha), ‘호호’(ho-ho), ‘킥킥’(kick-kick), ‘쿡쿡’(keuk-keuk), ‘껄껄’(kkeol-kkeol).
What do you think these words are?? It looks weird, but all of them are sounds of laughter!
Say it as you pretend laughing. You might hear your, mother’s, younger brother’s, older brother’s and father’s laughing.
All the people in the world laugh like this but why am I writing about sounds of laughter?
It’s because when you hear this carefully, you do hear the sound of WORLD PEACE!
No? It looks like I’m insisting? Listen to it carefully.

When you imagine war, what can you hear mostly? Yes, lots of crying and screaming.
Now, imagine about WORLD PEACE. Yes, you can hear people laughing.
If there is no was or not even worries of having a war, there will be only laughing around people.
However, now, from TV and everywhere, you can hear about wars between countries.
Even you are not living in the country where they have less possibility of to have a war, you are not safe too.
War can happen anytime and anywhere because there is no law for that YET.
Also, are you happy when you see others screaming? NO!
Let’s here ‘하하’, ’호호’ from EVERYONE! To hear this sound, you should start first and spread to others. Not only the sound, how about sharing your PEACE by volunteering?
It might be hard to hear this sound, but it will be easy to hear this when you do volunteering.
It’s because we, MANNAM share our lights together!
So! Are you ready to say ‘하하’, ‘호호’?

#Korean Expression
When you kakaotalk or chat, Koreans use ‘ㅋㅋ’ and ‘ㅎㅎ’ a lot.
Do you know what this means? ‘ㅋㅋ’ stands for ‘킥킥’ or ‘큭큭’. Also, ‘ㅎㅎ’ stands for ‘하하’, or ‘호호’. It works same way with 'haha' or 'hehe' in English.

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