Sunday, February 3, 2013

MANNAM! Let’s go street market!

MANNAM! Let’s go street market!

Bih franchised market are common in South Korea, so as the other countries. It is conventinet since we can purchase many different types of product at a single place. This is why most of people shop their groceries at supermarket.
However, sometimes, it’s good to go street market and feel Ajumma’s warm-heart even it requires more time.
Korean used to have ‘(dumb)=lagniappe’ culture.
When you buy certain amount of food, Ajumma’s give a handful more than it is used to.
Between this culture, warm-heart is also carried with the product.  It spreads to others and makes world 1℃ warmer. It is how street market maintain their temperature.
So, do you want to go street market??
Let’s prepare some sentences before we go there!

#얼마예요?(eol ma e yo) : how much is it?
#너무 비싸요!(neo mu bi ssa yo) : too expensive
#조금만 깎아주세요(jo geum man kkak a ju se yo) : please discount little bit
#조금만 더 주세요(jo geum man deo ju se yo)
#감사합니다(gam sa hap ni da) : Thank you!

@Korean Vocabulary
*너무 : too
*비싸다 : expensive
*조금 : little
*- : just
*깎다 : reduce a price
* : more

Just remember these five sentences! It will help you to sucessfully shop on the street market!
But! Remember that anything that is too much will cost problem.
when you make discount or (deom), we need to think about the merchant's side too!
I’m sure MANNAM members have mind of caring other. Right?? :)

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