Sunday, February 3, 2013

MANNAM! Let’s be happy by saying this word!

MANNAM! Let’s be happy by saying this word!

There is someday when it’s gloomy and don’t want to do anything.
Will you just let it ruin you day? No!!
Old saying, ‘Time is gold’. You can not let your previous day to be ruined!
Then how? I know the answer.
Happiness doesn’t come to you, you have to make your own happiness!
How about being happy by saying good words?


#감사합니다(gam sa hap ni da) : Thank you
#고맙습니다(go map seup ni da) : Thank you
#사랑합니다(sa rang hap ni da) : Love you
#축하합니다(chuk ha hap ni da) : Congratulation
#힘내세요(him nae se yo) : cheer up!!
#아름답습니다(A reum dap seup ni da) : Beautiful

You can’t imagine how strong the word is! Sometimes, because of the word, you can save one’s life or even kill them. Words have infinite power in them. It’s like a spell~
There are always two sides of people. Pros and cons. It’s up to YOU to make good spell or bad spell.

Nowadays, people say about egotistic attitude a lot.
Though they say it’s a problem, not many people really try to fix it. Maybe it is hard to change everyone’s attitude, but there's a way to change it!
spread them!
How? By saying these words and spreading them!
If you think this world needs to be changed, then start saying it from now on.
You may not see the big differece in short time and doubt if this can really make any differemce.
Whenever you think of that, think MANNAM FAMILY!!
It’s not only you who is doing this. There are thousands of MANNAM MEMBERS trying to change the world!
One can be impossible, but if we, MANNAM do it? There is NO IMPOSSIBE

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