Tuesday, February 19, 2013

MANNAM International Members! We are “이웃(yi-ut)”.

MANNAM International Members! We are “이웃(yi-ut)”

There is an old English saying, “A good neighbor is better than a distant cousin”. In Korea, there is also a proverb which has the same meaning. That is “가까운 이웃이 사촌보다 낫다(ga-kka-un yi-ut-yi meon sa-chon-bo-da nat-da).” Sometimes, when we have emergencies, our family living distant are too far to ask for a help. Instead, our neighbors can give us immediate help. What we MANNAM International Volunteer Association want to do is to share such neighborly love.

Most MANNAM International members are living in Korea now. As for us, Korea is a foreign country and we are foreigners. Therefore, we have language barrier, cultural divergences, and homesickness. If one of us wants to solve all these problems alone or if the person asks his or her family far away from Korea for help, it must be difficult to receive help.

However, since MANNAM International Volunteer Association, your good neighbor wants to share neighborly love with you, you don’t need to worry about all the problems alone. We can work them out together. As for the first problem, if you have Korean language difficulty, you can take MANNAM International free Korean language classes. What’s more, if you want to learn Korean culture, there are classes such as Korean cooking classes and K-pop classes. Or you can partake in volunteer activities. By visiting a kids’ center, a nursing house, and an animal shelter, you can learn a lot about Korean culture. Also, if you miss your family and friends a lot, we can make all kinds of your country food together and have a party to make you miss your home less.

In a word, whenever you need or want to offer any help, always remember there is your neighbor MANNAM International Volunteer Association right there waiting for you.

@Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
* 가깝다->가까운(ga-kkab-da->ga-kka-un): Form changes. Adjective -> Adverb
* 이웃(yi-ut): neighbor
* -(-yi): subject marker
* (meon): distant; far
* 사촌(sa-chon): cousin
* 보다(bo-da): comparative marker
* 낫다(nas-da): better


  1. How wonder MANNAM is !!
    I think your class is beautiful.
    And I thik so "yi-ut" is true friendship.

  2. i Want to volunteering together. it's a great!

  3. Than relatives MANNAM good neighbors, I would like to be his neighbor.

  4. How wonder MANNAM is !!
    I think your class is beautiful
    Mannam Volunteer association does what I wanted !!

  5. MANNAM is so wonderful
    Thank you

  6. MANNAM seems a friendly group, I want to try join.

  7. We all become friends in MANNAM! Why don't you be one of our friends?:)

  8. We are yi-ut!
    MANNAM International Members are yi-ut!

  9. What we MANNAM International Volunteer Association want to do is to share such neighborly love.

  10. How nice thing it is!! Thank you for useful information!
