Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MANNAM! 깜놀?!(ggam nol)

MANNAM! 깜놀?!(ggam nol)

Second Lesson for Korean shorten word!
Today’s word is 깜놀! (ggam nol)
It means surprised!
깜놀 is a shortened form of ‘깜짝 놀라다

*깜짝 : It’s an expression of being shocked.
*놀라다 : Surprised

깜놀 is usually added with ‘하다’(do) to change to a verb form.
Moreover, when we say '깜놀', it's usually used in the past tense form.
So word ‘하다’(Do) changes to ‘했다’(Did) as a past tense.
As a result, when you are suprised, say ‘깜놀했어!’(ggam nol hat uh)

Koreans use this word, they used to say ‘깜짝이야!’(ggam jjak e ya)
As the meaning above, it is an expression of being socked.
But as time goes by, words change and it’s time to say ‘깜놀했어!’ J

photo credit: <a href="">thejbird</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a

1 comment:

  1. Cute!! 깜놀 to read your articles including many Korean words, they are really practical :)
