Monday, March 11, 2013

Volunteering is MANNAM’s habit

Volunteering is MANNAMs habit 

t has been already 3 months since new year.Hows your goal going so far?Do you still keep the goals that you set on the start of 2013?Or didn’t it work well and your life is same as before?It is very hard to change our habits or life style at once.Because our own habits are so used to us, it is hard to accept new things.When we spend time for oneself, it is very easy that her or him doesn’t have to care about others.However, when this life style changes, it is very hard to accept new things.It could feel like making a loss. On the contrary, someone could earn happiness or hope because of you. Trying to make it as a habit might be hard, but after having habit is not a hard thing.MANNAM International members are trying to make new habits. Which is VOLUNTEERING!At first, it is hard to give up our own time, but after volunteering, this kind of thinking flies away.We can feel more valuable of the time with volunteering.Also, only one, itself can remember the time when he or she had spent time alone.However, when you volunteer with MANNAM, not only you but also people you met will remember.How about making a new habit with us?I am sure this might be the one of the best habits among people have.This habit is not only for you, but for your country and also for the WORLD.It is a habit that makes WORLD PEACE! 

# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar
*습관(seup-gwan) : Habit
*습관을 가지다(seup-gwan-eul ga-ji-da) : to have a habit
*목표(mok-pyo) : Goal 

-봉사하는 습관을 가지다 : to have a habit of volunteering
-일찍 일어나는 습관을 가지다 : to have a habit of waking up early

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