Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MANNAM! Let’s be like the light, rain and air. 빛과 비와 공기같이!

MANNAM! Lets be like the light, rain and air. 빛과 비와 공기같이!

As time goes by, everything changes.
People are born, live and die. Animals and plants too.
Not only living creatures, things also changes.
However, when you look up the sky, there is a sun always shinning on us.
Even on cloudy day, its light is just covered that we cant see but its still shinning on us.
The sun doesn’t discriminate. It shines on all over the Earth.
It doesnt care whether one is a good or bad person.
It dosent care which country they are from.
It doesnt care which color you have.
It doesnt care about gender.
It doesnt care what religion they have.
It just provides light to all of us.
No one paid them for those offer.
Rather, we forget about those presents that they give us.
Not only the sun, rain, air but all the natural resources.
We cannot survive without those things.
Think that they are giving you your life every day.
Dont we have to repay them something?
There isnt really a way to pay them back.
However, how about this?
As they provide us their love, how about we repay our love to others?
Like the sun, moon and stars, why dont we help others who need our love and help?
This could be repaying them what we got.
Beyond nationality, gender, religion, color lets share our lights with others.
MANNAM is a volunteer association which put these into practice.
We gathered from all over the world and we share our love to the whole world.
We go to places where our volunteer work is needed
We try to be like the sun shinning on us.
We cannot be like the sun that gives real life, however, I know that we could light up the world with our own light!
Sky is one that everyone looks up and wish for their own hope.
How about being the sky of others?
Like the stars up in the sky, we brighten the darkness and like the moon up in the sky we being others dream-maker?
Isnt it valuable to live a life being someones sky?
Join us if you do! :)
The sun, moon, stars, clouds and wind are found in the heavens. Light, rain, and air are constantly provided from the sky to all the creatures on the earth. The sad fact is that, although the inhabitants earth cannot survive without these things, they live without thought or gratitude for what they receive

This quote is from MANNAMs honored chairman MAN HEE LEE.
I really like these words:)

# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar

*같이 : Has similar character with front word.
*처럼 : Shape is similar or same

-(bit) : Light
-(be) : Rain
-공기(gong-gi) : Air
-(hae) : Sun
-(dal) : Moon
-(byeol) : Star
-구름(gu-reum) : Cloud
-하늘(ah-neul) : Sky

# For example
-우리는 하늘의 별처럼 빛나는 만남입니다.
-u-ri-neun ha-neul-ei byeol-cheo-rum bit-na-neun MANNAM-ip-ni-da
-We are MANNAM who shines like the star up in the sky

-우리는 빛과 비와 공기같이 사랑을 전하는 만남입니다.
-u-ri-neun bit-gwa bi-wa gong-gi-got-i sa-rang-eul jeon-ha-neun MANNAM-ip-ni-da
-We are MANNAM who share love like the light, rain and air.

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