Wednesday, March 20, 2013

역지사지 is the MANNAM Cultures

역지사지 is the MANNAM Cultures

Todays proverb is 역지사지.
It has same meaning with an English proverb Put yourself in my shoes.
means to change, means ground, means to think and means it.
All together, it means, think from the perspective of the other side and understand him/her.
I think this is a key for world peace.
If you think from the others perspective and try to understand them, it can avoid war.
Just thinking for yourself, you can choose the best choice for you.
However, when you think of others, you might have to change that best choice and have to make different decision.
It could look like making less benefit, but it is not.
It is a choice of saving lives.
By your considerable choice, you can prevent war.
The meaning of preventing war is saving a country, city, town and a family. The happiness from the people next to you.
This different thinking can change the world.
You might not feel that this is a serious thing.
But there are people who are very desperate about this.
They lost their family, friend and also their life.
If the leader had made different decision that cared about others, more life could be saved.
Not only the leader but all of us need this 역지사지 mind set in our heart.
Start this thinking with the people next you.
This will bring more smiles and peace in relationship.
Or, it will be also choice to practice.
How? With MANNAM International.
We are a volunteer association which tries to practice this 역지사지 mind set as an action.
Through volunteer works, we see the world from others perspective and we help them as their family or friend.
This is how we, MANNAM International make world peace through 역지사지 mind set.

# Korean Vocabulary & Grammar

-역지사지(yeok-ji-sa-ji) : Put yourself in my shoes. Think as if you were him/her.
-(yeok) : to change
-(ji) : Ground
-(sa) : to think
-(ji) : it
-정신(jeong-sin) : mind set
-가지다(ga-ji-da) : to have
-봉사하다(bong-sa-ha-da) : to volunteer
-서로(seo-ro) : each other
-배려(bae-ryeo) : consideration
-만들다(man-deul-da) : to make

# For example
-만남은 역지사지의 정신을 가지고 봉사한다.
-MANNAM-eun yeok-ji-sa-ji-ui jeong-sin-eul ga0ji-go bong-sa-han-da
-MANNAM volunteer with the mind set of 역지사지

-역지사지의 정신은 서로를 배려하게 만든다.
- yeok-ji-sa-ji-ui jeong-sin-eun seo-ro-reul bae-ryeo-ha-gae man-deun-da
-The mind set of 역지사지 makes to consider each other.

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